
Technology in the EFL Classroom

How to Stay Inspired

Most teachers deal with lots of job stress. We have to be well prepared every day, and take a lot more of our work home with us. There are always lessons to plan, essays to mark and records to keep. 

The following infographic shares some tips on how to stay inspired every day. Enjoy! Click here to see a larger version.

How to Use Pinterest

Pinterest provides a new way to collect and organise information in form of images, videos and more. The social network allows users to create virtual pin boards about their favourite topics to remember ideas that they find while browsing the Internet. 

The following infographic details how teachers can use Pinterest to organise lesson plans, distribute curricula, collaborate with others, and even encourage student participation. (Click to enlarge.)

16 Ways Educators Use Pinterest

New Trends

Keeping up with all the latest trends in technology can be quite confusing. Virtual Classroom, Flipped Classroom, Digital Citezenship...it is not easy to draw clear boundaries between what each of them refer to. 

This infographic will definately help you master some of the most important words to know in edtech! (Click to enlarge.)
